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WritersNL: Year Of The Arts Programming 

As part of its contribution to the Year of the Arts 2024 initiative and its commitment to fostering a vibrant writing community, WritersNL will be delivering two province-wide programs this fall: Writers-in-Schools and Writers-in-Residence. These programs will provide employment opportunities for established writers, as well as professional development opportunities for emerging writers and youth. Funding is available for a total of six positions overall.

The Writers-in-Schools program will connect writers with school classrooms of all grade levels across the province with the aim of enhancing student enrichment through in-person presentations that foster appreciation of the literary arts, development of writing skills, and encouragement of creativity. Applicants will be responsible for contacting schools and arranging visits prior to applying. Further information and application requirements for the Writers-in-Schools program can be found below.  

The Writers-in-Residence program will be delivered in partnership with NL Public Libraries, which will provide programming space for approved applicants. By offering library programs such as readings, group workshops, and regular drop-in hours for one-on-one meetings, organized in consultation with library staff, guest writers will provide encouragement and advice to local writers and serve as literary ambassadors to the wider local communities. Additional work space may be available at some locations. Further information and application requirements for the Writers-in-Residence program can be found below.  

Submission Deadline: July 1, 2024, 5 p.m. NST. 

Who Can Apply 


Successful applicants will receive $4,000 (50% to be paid at the start of the project and 50% following submission of a final report), plus an additional $300 for incidental costs (travel, per diems, production of support material, etc.).  

Time Commitment 

Successful applicants are expected to commit at least 32 hours to school presentations (Writers-in-Schools) or public engagement (Writers-in-Residence) over a four-week period during October/November 2024. 

*Note: Individuals can apply to only one program: either the Writers-in-School program or the Writers-in-Residence program.  


Program Guidelines 

  • It is the responsibility of applicants to contact schools to arrange visits. School visits must be confirmed by schools prior to submission of an application.  
  • Schools should be located within a reasonable commuting distance from the applicant’s home, keeping in mind there is a limit of $300 for travel and other expenses. 
  • Applicants are encouraged to contact schools as soon as possible. May and June are busy months for teachers, and school visits must be approved by the principal and fit into the teachers’ schedule.  
  • We recommend reaching out to schools, principals and/or teachers with whom applicants have a connection.   
  • Successful applicants are expected to commit at least 32 hours to school presentations over a four-week period during October/November. This may include partial or full day school presentations. 
  • School presentations should reflect the age level of students and can include readings, storytelling, creative writing, and other activities.  
  • The project can include visits to one or more schools.  
  • The project can be a collaboration of more than one writer. 
  • Preference will be given to writers with experience working with youth and a history of public presentation and/or publication 

 Application Requirements—Writers-in-Schools 

Please include the following in your application:  

  • Name, address, email and phone number of participating writers 
  • Project title 
  • Start and end dates 
  • Detailed description of your project, including timeline, theme, presentations and activities, and how the project will inspire creativity and an active participation by students in the literary arts 
  • Any previous teaching experience and/or experience working with youth 
  • List of schools you plan to visit and the name, phone number and email of contact persons  
  • Email confirmation from the schools you plan to visit 
  • Grade levels and approximate number of students taking part in the project 
  • Resumes of participating writers 
  • Examples and/or description of any support material to be used during your visit 


Program Guidelines 

  • Applicants are asked to choose up to three NL Public Libraries as preferred locations for their Residency. The Year of the Arts Committee will use this information when placing successful applicants with a library. 
  • See for a list of NL Public Libraries. 
  • Library choices should be within reasonable commuting distance from the applicant’s home, keeping in mind there is a limit of $300 for travel and other expenses. 
  • Successful applicants are expected to commit at least 32 hours to public engagement over a continuous four-week period during October/November, including at least one event offered to the wider community such as a reading, workshop, open mic, or panel.  
  • Depending on time involved with other activities, the Writer-in-Residence should be available 1-2 times per week for 4-8 hours per week for one-on-one meetings at the library; this can also include virtual consultations. The writer will be expected to post reliable office hours. 
  • If successful, the applicant will be expected to work with library staff on dates and times of office hours and other public engagement activities. 
  • Preference will be given to writers with at least one traditionally published book for which they have a publishing contract and receive royalties, or three published short stories, comics, poems or other works for which they have received payment. Works can appear in magazines, newspapers, websites, and anthologies. 

Application Requirements—Writers-in-Residence 

Please include the following in your application:  

  • Applicant name, address, email and phone number
  • Project title 
  • Start and end dates 
  • Detailed description of your proposed activities (public reading, workshops, office hours, etc.); previous experience mentoring emerging writers and/or teaching; your writing practice; any other information you believe makes you suited to this position 
  • The names of up to three NL Public Libraries as potential hosts for your Residency. You may rank these as your first, second and third choices. Please include any past experience you have with these libraries and/or connection with the library staff.  
  • Your resume

For both the Writers-in-Schools and Writers-in-Residence programs: 

  • To apply: Attach your application and resume (PDF format preferred) to an email and send to no later than July 1, 2024, 5 pm NL time.
  • The Year of the Arts Committee will assess applications and make the final decision on successful applicants.  
  • All applicants will be notified by mid-August. 
  • Successful applicants will be required to submit a final report by Dec. 15, 2024.

Questions? Contact the Year of the Arts Coordinator at