(September 4th, 2024) – WritersNL is pleased to announce the mentors for our 2024 Mentorship Program for Emerging Writers:
(Read more about these mentors in their bios below!)
The WritersNL Emerging Writers Mentorship program is designed to serve the needs of emerging Newfoundland and Labrador writers who are committed to the development of their writing.
It is aimed at writers who are on the cusp of professional publication and who have a substantial work-in-progress. While we usually have four mentors in this program, this year we will have just two. The 2024 Emerging Writers Mentorship program is funded by WritersNL.
WritersNL has selected two mentors for the 2024 Mentorship Program.
- George Murray
- Eva Crocker
These mentors have a history of publication and a commitment to the craft of writing.
They will contribute 25 hours of one-on-one conferencing, either in person or online as appropriate.
Mentors will also contribute 25 hours to reading or prep work over the course of the 5-month mentorship.
Stay tuned for the call for mentees!
Anyone seeking further information about the WritersNL Mentorship Program for Emerging Writers, email info@writersnl.ca.
Meet the 2024 WritersNL Mentorship Program for Emerging Writers Mentors:
“As a young poet in the 1990s, I was very lucky to be mentored and encouraged by established writers who helped direct and hone my craft. Thirty years and ten books later, I am pleased to be able to return this service to a new generation of emerging writers. Thank you to WritersNL for continuing to offer this essential programming.” George Murray is the author of seven books of poetry, including The Hunter (McClelland & Stewart, 2003), The Rush to Here (Nightwood Editions, 2007), Whiteout (ECW, 2012) and, most recently, Problematica: New and Selected Poems, 1995 – 2020 (2021). He is also the author of two bestselling collections of aphorisms, Glimpse (ECW, 2010) and Quick (2015), as well as a book for children. His work has appeared widely in journals around the world, including: Bad Lilies (UK), Contemporary Verse, Drunken Boat (US), Granta (UK), Iowa Review, Jacket (AUS), London Magazine (UK), Mid-American Review (US), New American Writing (US), New Quarterly, New Welsh Review (UK), nthposition (UK), Painted Bride Quarterly (US), Pasture (NZ), Praire Fire, Scoundrel Time (US), The Walrus, etc. His work has also been anthologized in many volumes in Canada, the US, Germany, and the UK. He has been the poetry editor for the Literary Review of Canada and as well as a contributing editor for Canadian Notes and Queries, Maisonneuve, and the founder and editor of both NewPoetry.ca and Bookninja.com. He has been poetry faculty at many schools, including: New School University, University of Toronto, University of British Columbia, and the New York Times Knowledge Network, and lectured on Canadian poetry at Princeton, York University, Memorial University, and others.
Eva says: “I completed the Writers NL’s Emerging Writers Mentorship Program in 2013 under the guidance of Claire Wilkshire, the experience gave me the confidence and skills to complete my first manuscript and send it out into the world.
I believe the Writers NL’s Emerging Writers Mentorship Program is an invaluable resource for new writers in the province and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to work closely with someone on a long-form project in any genre of fiction. ”
Eva Crocker is the author of two novels, Back in the Land of the Living and All I Ask, which won the 2020 BMO Winterset Award. Her short story collection Barreling Forward was shortlisted for Dayne Ogilvie Prize for Emerging LGBTQS2 Writers. It won the Alistair MacLeod Award and the CAA Emerging Author’s Award and was a National Post Best Book. Her new short story collection For Show, will be published by McCelland and Stewart in 2025. She is a PhD candidate in Concordia University’s Interdisciplinary Humanities Program with a focus on Creative Writing. She is the creator and facilitator of “Fundamentals of Short Fiction”, a creative writing workshop open to people of all experience levels, for more info visit: evacrocker.com
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(September 9th, 2024) – We are excited to announce that we are now accepting mentee applications from individuals interested in the 2024 Mentorship Program for Emerging Writers!
Selection Process:
The committee will match mentors and mentees to work on a one-to-one basis over an intensive five-month period. Decisions for the mentor application will be made on the basis of the best-suited match between the mentee and the mentor.
Who can apply as a mentee?
• The mentee position is for writers who have a substantial work-in-progress and who are committed to the creative and professional development of their writing.
• WritersNL members in good standing with a substantial work-in-progress in any genre. (Individuals interested in mentorship can become WritersNL Members upon submitting their mentee applications.)
• Individuals prepared for a disciplined, focused period of work during which writing is a priority.
• Individuals who did not participate in this program in the previous year.
• Individuals 19 years and older
WritersNL is committed to greater inclusion of traditionally marginalized communities. In an effort to encourage the development of a more diverse writing community, we strongly encourage applications to the Mentorship Program from all members of Indigenous communities, members of culturally diverse groups, members of disabled communities, and members of official language minorities, whether or not they are current members of the WritersNL.
How to apply as a mentee:
For a mentee position, please submit the following:
• A typewritten, double-spaced, ten-page sample of your work (poetry submissions are exempt from the double-spacing requirement); include length of manuscript to date (i.e., word count or number of poems);
• A statement of what you hope to achieve during the mentorship and how you think it will assist you with your manuscript;
• A summary of your recent writing history, how long you’ve been writing, and your publication credits, if any.
• In addition to the usual submission requirements, applicants will indicate which mentor they are applying to work with: Eva Crocker or George Murray.
Send your submission in a .doc or .pdf file to info@writersnl.ca by the deadline of Monday, October 7, 2024 at 5 p.m. NL time.
Late submissions will not be accepted.
Ineligible and/or incomplete submissions will not be returned.
Questions? Concerns? Contact WritersNL at info@writersnl.ca