TC Badcock

TC Badcock is a five-times decorated and retired officer of the Royal Canadian Airforce. In 1990 while serving with the military in Europe, he was the victim of a suicide attack nearly severing his arm and causing many other injuries. After retiring from the RCAF, he became the Deputy Regional Director Human Resources of Canadian Forces Europe and the Marketing and Communications Manager for CANEX Europe. Since 1995 he has been the Executive Director of the Physically Disabled Service Centre.
He has been the former editor in chief of the Gander Beacon, Der Kanadier and a member of The Telegram Community Editorial Board.
Tom is the author of twenty-two fiction, non-fiction, children’s, short stories and Plays/Dinner theatre works and he has had multiple best-sellers in all categories. His play, Sheila Na Geira, The Pirate Princess played in Carbonear and his dinner theatres presented at various locations. He is a board member of GOYA Theatre Group in Ottawa.
His best sellers include but are not limited to The Man Inside – Harper Collins, Honour Thy Mother – Breakwater, A Broken Arrow – Clouston, Cougar Flight 491 – DRC and Captain Kean’s Secret – Flanker. Many of his books are available at They H
Tom received his secondary educational training at MUN, Saint Mary’s, Carleton, The CF School of Administration and Logistics and CF Language School. He speaks both official languages.
Tom was born in Carbonear and currently resides in St. John’s with his wife Elizabeth and his 9 year-old son, Zachary.