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Shari Fitzgerald

Shari Fitzgerald is a hobbyist creative writer and registered social worker from Conception Bay South, Newfoundland. She holds Bachelor of Science (Hons.), Bachelor of Social Work, Master of Applied Social Psychology, and Master of Social Work degrees from Memorial University, and is a credentialed program evaluator with the Canadian Evaluation Society. In addition to being a reviewer for the Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, Shari’s research and writing contributions appear in various scholarly journals including Canadian Family Physician; Focus on Health Professional Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal; Intersectionalities: A Global Journal of Social Work AnalysisResearch, Polity, and Practice; Journal of Interprofessional Care; Journal of Public Child Welfare; as well as in the Newfoundland and Labrador College of Social Worker’s (NLCSW) local newsletter, Connecting Voices. Shari has served on the film screening jury panel for Newfoundland’s independent film festival, FOGFEST, and has also self-published her poetry anthology, The Axis of Unseen Company.