Modeline Longjohn

Modeline Nicholas Longjohn has been writing since she was nine years old. Over the years, she has written over two score plays and movie scripts, some of which have been used as stage plays in different capacities.
She has also written and published short stories, novel and several articles for magazines and editorials. She currently writes for the Muse, a student run editorial at Memorial University and is working on a second novel in her spare time.
Modeline is currently a PhD candidate in the department of Biochemistry at Memorial University, researching on immunology and cancer.
List of Publications:
Peer Reviewed Article:
Modeline N. Longjohn, Jo-Anna B.J. Hudson, Nicole C. Smith3, Mathew L. Rise, Paul C. Moorehead and Sherri L. Christian (2019). Extracellular vesicles in the progression and diagnosis of haematological cancers. In prep.
Popular Press publications:
Longjohn, MN (2019). ‘we are scientist, not women in science’. THE MUSE.
Longjohn, MN (2019). In conversation with Prof. Isabelle Gagnon. THE MUSE.
Longjohn, MN (2019). Solving the conundrum of Newfoundland’s sudden-death ‘curse’: speaking with Dr. Kathy Hodgkinson. THE MUSE
Longjohn, MN (2019). Talking kreb’s cycle and ground-breaking scientific discoveries with Dr. John T. Brosnan. THE MUSE.
Longjohn, MN (2018). Ground-breaking science. THE MUSE.
Longjohn, MN (2018). The science of sleep. THE MUSE.
Longjohn, MN (2018). New scientific discoveries that are changing the paradigm. THE MUSE.
Longjohn, MN (2016). The cancer menace in Nigeria.
Longjohn, MN (2016). A food approach to cancer: pro-cancer and anti-cancer foods
Longjohn, LAL (Amazon, 2016). The Lake Labyrinth
Longjohn, LAL (Authorhouse, 2012). Orange Butterfly
Longjohn, LAL (African Writer,2011). Dearest Jumi