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WORKSHOP: Romance 101: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Romance Writing (But Didn’t Know Who to Ask!)

January 13, 2024

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Romance has long been the best-selling and fastest-growing genre of popular fiction. Ever wish you could pick the brains of writers who know romance publishing well?

Our presenters have combined experience of over four decades in the romance genre, from flash fiction to multi-novel series, big publishers, small presses and independent publishing across a range of subgenres. Learn as many of the essentials of romance writing as they can pack into an hour-long presentation (with extra time for questions).

· Deborah Hale – award-winning author of historical, fantasy and inspirational romance, traditionally and independently published.
· Michelle Helliwell – author of eight historical romance works independently published.
· Tim Covell – independently-published author of contemporary romance, poetry, non-fiction, short and flash fiction. Runs a small publishing company.
NOTE: This event is open to WritersNL Members only.
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Times and Locations

January 13, 2024

2:00 pm