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ANNOUNCEMENT: “Whisper Sweet Nothings” – WANL’s 2022 Romance Writing Contest E-Zine Release!

February 14, 2022

“Whisper Sweet Nothings”
💘 WANL’s 2022 Romance Writing Contest 💘

The Writers’ Alliance of Newfoundland and Labrador is delighted to announce our 2022 “Whisper Sweet Nothings” Romance Writing Contest Winners! 😍

This year’s contest was juried by Melanie Martin, Ryan Belbin, and Aj Ryan, using a “blind judging” process to remove any and all personal affections or biases in connection to the 40+ submissions received.

WANL’s 2022 “Whisper Sweet Nothings”
Romance Writing Contest Winners are:

🏅 Runner Up ($50)
Ash Greening, author of “Breaking Clouds”

🏅 Runner Up ($50)
Mallory Fisher, author of “A New Family Tree”

🥉 Third Place ($75)
Connie Boland, author of “One Thousand Kilometres Is a Long Time to Be Away”

🥈 Second Place ($100)
Lori Savory, author of “First Sight”

🥇 First Place ($125)
Alison House, author of “A Scandalous Desire”

Read WANL’s 2022 “Whisper Sweet Nothings” E-Zine by clicking here, by visiting our webpage here, or by checking us out on Facebook and Instagram.

Times and Locations

February 14, 2022

12:00 pm