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CALL for 2023-2024 WritersNL Board Members

November 16, 2023

Did you know that YOU are eligible to run for positions on our Board of Directors?

At our November 26, 2023, Annual General Meeting, positions will be vacant and new board members will be elected!

At our 2023 AGM, the following positions will be declared vacant:

  • Vice-President
  • Treasurer​
  • Central / Bonavista / Burin Representative
  • Avalon/St. John’s Representative (i) (one-year mid-term election)
  • Avalon/St. John’s Representative (ii)
  • Member-at-Large (i) ​(one-year mid-term election)
  • Member-at-Large (ii)
  • Member-at-Large (iii) (one-year mid-term election)

Continuing in their roles in 2023, WritersNL Board of Directors features:

  • President – Ainsley Hawthorn
  • Secretary – Teresita Dziadura
  • Western/Labrador Rep – Shelly Kawaja
  • Youth Advocate – Hannah Jenkins

A huge thanks to all the Board Members who are winding up their time with us:

  • Vice President – Sonja Boon
  • Treasurer – Erica Green
  • Avalon/St. John’s Rep (i) – Andrew Marc Rowe
  • Avalon/St. John’s (ii) – Stacey Oakley
  • Central / Bonavista / Burin – Sheri Singleton
  • Member-at-Large (ii) (one-year mid-term election) – Kelly Earle

WritersNL’s Board of Directors has the obligation to maintain, preserve, and further develop the organization by providing governance and management of the organization’s resources. Ours is also a working board, characterized by active participation and diligence in project completion.

A few of the requirements of WritersNL board members are:

– Directors must be 19 years of age or older.

– Directors must be WritersNL members in good standing.

– Directors must agree to support WritersNL’s mandate and objectives.

– Directors must agree to adhere to and support WritersNL’s constitution.

– Directors should be able to provide thoughtful input on a broad range of subjects related to writing and publishing, and/or have skills that contribute to the resiliency and evolution of our organization, such as experience in law, accounting, marketing, communications, fundraising, or not-for-profit regulation/governance.

– Directors must value the performance of the Board as a whole over individual interests and should demonstrate integrity and respect for others in executing their responsibilities to WritersNL.

At the November Annual General Meeting, the Nominating Committee will present a slate of officers for election. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor. The number of nominees may exceed the number of vacant positions. Successful candidates will be decided by vote of the membership.

Are you interested in putting your name forward, or looking for more information?
Please contact our Board President, Ainsley Hawthorn, via email at

Share this call for Board Members with your networks!

Times and Locations

November 16, 2023

12:00 pm