ANNOUNCEMENT: Pitch to the Publishers is back for WANL’s 2022 Annual General Meeting!
October 20, 2022
It’s the WANL event you’ve been waiting for all year – your chance to present a two-minute pitch of your project to a panel of publishers at Pitch Wars, our wildly successful pitching panel!
First held at Eastern Edge in 2019, and virtually in 2020 and 2021 via Facebook Live, this year we’re SO excited to announce that our 2022 Pitch Wars will take place at the Emera Conference Centre at Emera Innovation Exchange building on Signal Hill Road in downtown St. John’s.
The event will also be live streamed via WANL’s Facebook page.
Pitch Wars will take place Saturday, November 26th at 7 p.m., with doors opening at 6 p.m. We will have a bar on-site, so please consider joining us early to mix and mingle with your fellow writing community!
This highly anticipated annual event has helped numerous authors in securing book deals… So many, in fact, that we’ve lost count! Could your title be next to hit the shelves after Pitch Wars?
Pitch Wars is aimed at individuals with complete works who are preparing to query (about to seek out publishers/agents).
• Fiction works should consist of a completed draft/manuscript. A full synopsis and an estimated word count will help the Publisher know what your game-plan is.
• Non-Fiction works should be a complete proposal, with a sample chapter and a complete outline/synopsis, and estimated word count. Mention your established sources and what they bring to this book. Be ready to explain why you’re the best person to write this story, and why people will want to read it.
• Poetry works should include a number of pages, notes on overall theme/mood of the collection, any additional details regarding what inspired you to write these poems and who would like to read them.
• Children’s/Young Adult books should consist of a completed draft/manuscript, with special attention to the accompanying artwork/illustrations, if available. Sample art should be included (viewable) to the Publishers. (Some publishers may have illustrators – keep an open mind!)
Please note: only ten submissions will be accepted for the 2022 event.
We will be offering three slots for St. John/Avalon Peninsula, three for Central/Burin, and three for Western/Labrador, with all entries having a chance to secure the tenth slot.
Note: Applicants will be able to present their pitch either virtually or in person.
How to register for Pitch Wars:
Pitch Wars is open to WANL members only.
Submit by emailing with your name, email, writing genre and one-sentence description of your pitch with the subject line “WANL PITCH WARS.”
Deadline to register: 5 p.m. on Monday, November 7, 2022
Times and Locations
October 20, 2022
3:00 pm