DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: Write a letter to Santa – as an adult!
December 22, 2021
Coming off of our wildly successful Summer Haiku Social Media Campaign (50+ submissions!), we wanted to put together another fun little prompt for the 2021 holiday season.
Most of us probably have fond memories of writing letters to Santa Claus – sitting on the floor with a pencil and a pad of paper, yelling out to nearby adults to ask how to spell the names of our favourite games and toys.
At our house, we’d always make sure to mention our siblings, politely ask about Mrs. Claus and the elves, and sometimes sneak in a little request for the betterment of mankind – all of my childhood letters to Santa asked for world peace!
So what does a letter to Santa from an adult look like? What do we ask the big man in red for when we’re old enough to buy our presents for ourselves? What would you ask this magical, mythical man to deliver on Christmas night?
As we head into the holidays, send us your adult letter to Santa to be featured on WANL’s social media channels!
As an added bonus, include a snapshot from holidays of yesteryear to accompany your submission.
Send your submissions to to be featured. Submissions will be accepted and posted until December 22nd, 2021.
Please note: This is not an official WANL contest, therefore entrants will not receive payment or other prizes for participating. WANL’s Letters to Santa is intended to connect writers via social media, while simultaneously celebrating the Christmas season.
WANL thanks you for your interest.
Here’s an example from our Member Services Coordinator Wendy Rose to get you started on your Letter to Santa Claus:
Dear Santa,
Wow, another year has come and gone! Feeling old yet? I know I am!
How are things up at the North Pole? Has climate change impacted your neighbourhood? I hope everything is OK up there.
This year for Christmas, I would love to head into 2022 knowing that billionaires will be taxed more proportionately. Maybe we could do something about student debt too? Like… just get rid of it? You probably don’t have that authority, but I bet you would have some pull with the folks that do… maybe a couple lumps of coal could communicate the point?
Under the tree this year, I would personally love to receive a powerful vacuum — maybe a Dyson of some kind, if you’re feeling generous. Any attachments that help clean baseboards more easily would make a great stocking stuffer. A higher provincial minimum wage would be nice, and if you have it in your heart, the Metrobus routes could use a total do-over. As always, I’ll ask for world peace, but I know that’s a tall order.
Please be kind to my family, friends, and colleagues this year, as well as your staff — I really hope the elves are being paid a living wage with benefits for all their hard work! Thanks, Santa. Merry Christmas!
-Wendy Rose
P.S. It must get a bit lonely up there with just you, Mrs. Clause and the elves — have you considered polyamory?
Questions? Concerns?
Times and Locations
December 22, 2021
5:00 pm