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Episode 2: The Writer in Multiple Media

Trudy Morgan-Cole and Kelley Power conspire between the bookshelves at WANL

Trudy Morgan-Cole and Kelley Power conspire between the bookshelves at WANL

A writer writes…a vlog? In this episode, writer Trudy Morgan-Cole discusses her engagement with various platforms for self-expression off the traditional page. Topics include blogging and vlogging, skirting writer’s block, balancing author branding and personal expression, art criticism within a close-knit community, and following the creative urge into things writing-adjacent. Trudy Morgan-Cole is an award-winning author of historical and inspirational fiction, a teacher, book reviewer, and podcaster. Our host for this episode is Kelley Power, president of the Writers’ Alliance of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Trudy Morgan-Cole is online with her own author page
… and her blog
… and her “Shelf Esteem” podcast
… and her “Hypergraffiti” YouTube channel
… and her “Compulsive Overreader” book reviews.
Buy A Roll of the Bones: from Breakwater Books or your friendly neighbourhood bookstore.