Episode 1: Conducting sensitive and effective interviews for non-fiction works.

Kerri Cull and Jen Winsor share tips at the WANL office.
Are you considering a non-fiction project? In our inaugural episode, author Kerri Cull shares her experience researching the sex trade in St. John’s for her non-fiction book, Rock Paper Sex: The Oldest Profession in Canada’s Oldest City. Topics include finding and conducting interviews, building trust, anonymity, consent, transcription, and respectfully handling sensitive subject matter. Kerri Cull is an author, poet, book reviewer, and white hat against internet crime. Our host for this episode is Jen Winsor, Executive Director of the Writers’ Alliance of Newfoundland and Labrador.
Kerri Cull’s author page: http://www.breakwaterbooks.com/product-category/author/kerri-cull/
Buy Rock Paper Sex: https://www.amazon.ca/Rock-Paper-Sex-Profession-Canadas/dp/1550816713
Blue Door Program: https://www.thrivecyn.ca/blue-door-program/
Street Reach: https://www.thrivecyn.ca/what-do-we-do/street-reach/
NL crisis and help lines: https://www.health.gov.nl.ca/health/findhealthservices/helplines.html