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PANEL: A Publishing Journey: Getting Your Book Out Into The World

Friday, November 24, 7 p.m. - 8 p.m.

📍 In-person @ The Foran Greene Room, St. John’s City Hall
👥 Open to WritersNL Members only. Pre-registration required.

With more publishing options than ever before, today’s authors have a LOT to consider when the time comes to get their book into readers’ hands!

WritersNL’s “A Publishing Journey” panel on Friday, November 25, 2023 will explore publishing options through the experiences of Newfoundland and Labrador-published authors from self-publishing, traditional publishing, literary agents, and more.

Our panellists – Terry Doyle, Kate Sparkes, Andrew Peacock, and William Ping – will talk about their various and diverse book publishing experiences. “A Publishing Journey” will be moderated by author Kelley Power, who will aid attendees in asking YOUR publishing-related questions directly to our talented and knowledgeable panel of authors.


Times and Locations

November 24, 2023

7:00 pm