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Save the date: WANL’s 2021 Annual General Meeting Weekend!

October 5, 2021

WANL’s 2021 Annual General Meeting and associated events will take place November 20-21, 2021

With our commitment to make our AGM as widely accessible to as many WANL Members as possible, as well as the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, this year’s AGM weekend will take place virtually.

Full details of the AGM weekend will be announced in coming weeks.
In the meantime, please save the dates and plan to join us:

Saturday, November 20, 2021
Workshops + Pitch Wars

Sunday, November 21, 2021
Annual General Meeting (1 p.m.)
+ Election of Directors

Last year, our AGM Committee did a lot of work examining online meeting platforms that would permit the AGM to take place in accordance with WANL’s constitutional requirements regarding election of directors, voting, quorum, etc.
Our hard work paid off, and last year’s AGM went off without a hitch!

WANL Staff and AGM Committee will be implementing the same tactics again this year, to ensure WANL Members can make the most of this fun-filled informative weekend, without needing a computer science degree to do so! 😂

Keep an eye on WANL newsletters, email campaigns, and social media for updates and announcements.

Please note: this year, all workshops and events associated with the AGM weekend are being offered free to WANL members.

The AGM on November 21st is open to WANL members only.

Times and Locations

October 5, 2021

1:00 pm