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OPEN: WANL Seeking Workshop Facilitators, AMA Participants + Facilitators

WANL Seeking Facilitators for Workshops, + Facilitators and Participants for “Ask Me Anything” Experiences!

The Writers’ Alliance of Newfoundland and Labrador is seeking facilitators for a number of writing-related topics, to be explored via a series of events in fall 2021.
These are PAID opportunities.If any of the below events is suitable to your skillset, please reach out to us ASAP with the materials outlined for each position.
Please note: All applicants must include a detailed biography + a headshot in their applications.

Workshop Facilitator

Do you have an idea for a writing-related workshop? Send us a draft of your workshop idea plus an outline of how you would teach this workshop.

Potential topics, as requested by our membership base in our December 2020 Membership Survey, include but are not limited to: diversity in writing, character building, adapting for screen or stage, author branding, inner and outer book design and layout, eBooks, working with illustrators, social media marketing, need-to-know advice for part-time or emerging writers, tips and tricks on how to put your idea to paper, submitting to publishers and/or agents, best editing practices, and advocacy for authors of all levels.
We’d love to hear your ideas!

Previous workshops presented in the past year have included:

• Writing Commercially Successful Fiction With Author Robert J. Sawyer
• Patterns Make Poems: Poetry Craft With Andreae Callanan
• Writing and Illustrating for Children With Dawn Baker And Sam Baker
• Understanding the Publishing Path With Kenneth Tam And Jacqui Tam
• “Build Your Own Adventure” With Novelist Caighlan Smith (for Youth)
• Getting Started with Indie Publishing With Author Scott Bartlett
• Podcasting and Audiobooks for Beginners With Sarah Thompson
• Dynamic & Intersectional Writing for Social Media With Susan Kelsey
• Writing Features for Magazines and Newspapers With Amanda Bulman (for Youth)
 Writing Who You Don’t Know With Sharon Bala
 Social Media and Marketing in the Age of Covid-19 With Samantha Fitzpatrick
• From Page to Stage to Screen – How to Sell or Adapt a Work: A Panel With Joel Thomas Hynes, Lois Brown, Des Walsh and Candace Osmond, facilitated by Andi Bulman.

The workshops, to be held virtually via Zoom, should be approximately 2-3 hours in length. Dates, times and other details are to be determined by the facilitator and the WANL Events Committee.

What to submit:
• a resume outlining your experience/expertise
• workshop title + theme
• a detailed workshop outline including time breakdown
• required tech or other supports

“Ask Me Anything” Facilitator + ParticipantWANL wants to put you in an open forum and let the sparks fly. Our AMA is modelled after the popular Reddit trend of AMA: Ask Me Anything, where users have the opportunity to ask questions directly either live in the moment or by submitting a question in advance. WANL AMA’s will have a select number of questions prepared in advance, with room to take questions “off the floor.”

These events will take place on Facebook Live,
and will be run by WANL’s tech guru via Zoom.

• The ideal candidate to facilitate an AMA would be a person with a deep knowledge of the local writing scene and is able to ask questions on the fly as needed. A journalistic background or relevant past interview experience is an asset.

• The ideal participant to answer these questions in the AMA would also have a vast wealth of knowledge and be willing to candidly chat about the local writing scene, as well as their own work. Preferably, the candidate will have some potentially new or newsworthy items to discuss, such as a new book, upcoming event, a work in progress, or something along those lines.


👥 Ida Linehan Young, author of “Being Mary Ro” (2018), “The Promise” (2019), and “The Liars” (2020), facilitated by Carleton Journalism Masters graduate Michael Smith.

👥 Jenny Higgins, author of “Perished: The 1914 Newfoundland Sealing Disaster” (2014), “Newfoundland in the First World War” (2016), and children’s book “Agnes Ayre’s ABC’s of Amazing Women,” and Newfoundland and Labrador Book Award winner (2017), facilitated by actress and writer Elizabeth Hicks.

👥 Brad Dunne, 2019 shortlisted author for WANL’s 2019 A Nightmare on George Street spooky story writing contest, author of “After Dark Vapours,” and contributor to “Terror Nova,” facilitated by The Telegram journalist Andrew Waterman.

👥 Trudy Morgan-Cole, writer, teacher, and author of “By the Rivers of Brooklyn,” “That Forgetful Shore,” “A Sudden Sun,” “Most Anything You Please,” and more, facilitated by 2020 Fresh Fish Shortlisted author Olivia Anne Robinson.

👥 AJ Ryan, editor, writer and twice consecutive winner of WANL’s Annual Valentine’s Day Romance Writing Contest, facilitated by author, editor, and illustrator Claire Rouleau.

What to submit:
• a resume detailing your knowledge/expertise
• a comprehensive overview of the topic you feel qualified to discuss, and why
• any advance questions that you’d like to answer or ask during the panel

Please submit your Expression of Interest – including your resume, detailed biography, and headshot to


Questions? Concerns? Email Member Services Coordinator Helena Elueme!