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Breakwater Books Season Launch Event

June 29, 2021

Join us for our virtual season launch party!
Tune in for readings, presentations, and a cookalong by our Winter 2021 authors:

George Elliott Clarke
The Quest for a “National” Nationalism

Prajwala Dixit, Nabila Qureshi
Us, Now
Beth Follett

Chief Mi’sel Joe, Sheila O’Neill
My Indian

Sharon King-Campbell
This Is How It Is

Bobbi & Geoff Pike
East Coast Keto 2

This free event will be premiered on our Facebook page and YouTube channel.

Thank you to Ritche Perez for filming and editing this launch, and to Nova Yoga for allowing us to use their space for filming!

Find out more about the books and order your copy on our website,, or from your favourite independent bookstore!

RSVP to the Facebook Event!

Times and Locations

June 29, 2021

7:00 pm